Things to do when moving house
Have you just got a new house? Are you relocating due to work? Or maybe your family is growing and you need to find a bigger place to live?
Whatever the reason in all cases you are facing a lot of changes. Every house move require a lot of planning and preparation especially when you have small kids and your partner has no time to help you out.
Below we have prepared a comprehensive hose moving checklist that will guide you step by step through the entire process.
It does not matter whether you are relocating for the first time our list of things to do when moving house will make you comfortable and confident. Once you have planned everything the move will go quickly, smoothly and with no stress.
As you can probably imagine there are a lot of important things that mus not be missed. Otherwise you may end up with some surprising situations that may entail some unpleasant consequences. But do not worry the most important things to remember to do before you move into new house have been included in our moving checklist below.
Basically the planning and preparation process can be divided into there stages:

- 4 weeks before moving
- 1 week prior to the home move
- 1, 2, 3 days before moving house
- Things to sort out on the moving day
Of course there will be a list of things to sort out once you have relocated:
- To do list after moving to a new home checklist
- How much does it cost to move house?
4 Weeks Prior To the House Move
There are some things you do on the day of the move, there are things you do a week to the move and there are some you must do about 4 weeks before the moving day if you must ever get a very good move.
However, many people do hinge their arguments against this on the fact that there is no real possibility of the move until the house exchange is done. But you have known that you want to move, so you must start to prepare for it. The main thing to do is for you to start sorting and packing things earlier. Now, the fact is that there are some packing that may not be harmful no matter the outcome of the deal, and these even seem to be the most essential ones.
So, you have to start these ones some weeks before the exchange and we say 4 weeks would be the good time. Getting moving supplies and packing boxes may take you some time too.
Storage rooms - attic, shed, garage, cellar, pantry
Your attic should be cleared on time, your summer and winter bags can be packed weeks before the move proper. Get rid of the items you don't need in the kitchen, pack up your sandwich maker, soda stream and other sets. You can also pack up your DVDs, books and other possessions on time.
You probably know that if you only wanted to you could find a lot of products in your pantry that are out of date. go through them properly and throw away food that has expired. Rotten food can be a real danger for the health of your kids.
Garage, attic, cellar and shed are rooms that will probably take most of your time. Sometimes it is really scary what one can find there. It may be the case that you will have to hire a skip to dispose of unwanted furniture and assembled over the years items.
Address change
The next thing you should start at least 3 weeks before moving house London is the change of address. In moves that has gone this far, the problem is always delay in the exchange and not denial of the exchange, so change of address details is important at this stage because you know it will always happen. Start notifying companies on time; your gas firm, electricity firm, banks, friends, family, schools, employers, and many others.
Insure that your citizenry and views are taken along and updated. Register in your new place so that you will have the right to vote. This can be done on time. You should also start on time to contact your land line phone, internet, TV and other services providers to inform them about the proposed move.
Inform the service providers you are dropping and get new numbers from the ones you are continuing with. Let them know the day you will pack in, so that your new numbers and utilities will start working for you. Also insure that they cancel your old address, so that you will not have to pay for utilities you did not use and the council tax as well. And if your land line will be disconnected for a while, find a way of calling people involved in the move, like your seller and conveyancer.
Check this page if you looking to use storage boxes for your move.
Another thing to do on our house moving checklist is taking care of your car. If you are relocating long distance, get your car serviced weeks before the move. This is because you may not have time to do this when it is so close. And you may not have gotten a new mechanic to do it where you are moving to.
Due to the change of address, you have to effect the necessary change in your driver's license. You can do this by writing them or contacting them through any means possible. Also effect the changes needed in the vehicle registration certificate.
Other people you need to notify about the move and change of address includes the credit card company. Check also things to do when selling your house fast.
In terms of your children school, notify both schools when you will be leaving one and when you will be arriving at the other. Notify your local tax office upon arrival and give your reference number for Inland Revenue. Your broker, agent, motor mechanic, medical consultant, pet Vet and many other service providers should be notified on time. You should also use this time to inform your landlord that you are quitting and also inform the tenants or landlord of where you are going that a new landlord or tenant is coming.
Check the parking restrictions
Other areas you should take care of on time include parking restrictions. If there is any placed either in the new or old destination, you have to obtain permission to suspend this and get your things moved in and out. In most cases removal companies would sort this out for you. But it is always good to notify them about the problem. You can also register with the mailing preference team to avoid junk mails coming to your new address. You have to notify your bank about the move too and this involves the address details, so that your account can be transferred to the nearest branch.
You should also book hotel accommodation by this time and notify the councils of your departure and arrival for their tasks. Start getting your pet ready with vaccinations and tests if you are shipping it overseas. If you are moving with pets check this page out.
A good thing to do when moving home London that should be on your list is taking care of the content of your freezer. Try to use all you can find in there. Remember that the freezer need be be defrosted before moving.
Let's do a quick summary on what to do and on auspicious things to remember when you want moving house quickly. By now you should know who to advice, notify, contact and inform. You know that to avoid additional house moving costs you need to follow our tips and tick off all activities on the to do list and checklist. You know what addresses need to be changed and who to contact to sort it out. You should be aware of the council tax issues, be familiar with moving house cards UK. You can always contact us for a free house moving quote in London.
We will also email you a printable checklist, tips, cards, guide, template letter, planner, best websites, notes, costs breakdown in the PDF, DOC, Word or Excel spreadsheet format for moving home. Now you know where to start but you are not even in a half way. The list of things to do 4 weeks before you relocate will only help you to take care of your utility bills, electricity, telephone, TV, Internet, addresses and storage rooms. However if you sort out all those things to do when moving house in London you will be ready to have easier, less stressful and cheaper house swap. Now you know where to start! Packing tips for moving.
When you have a list of items to be moved you can start looking for a removals insurance just in case anything goes wrong during the move.
Do you have an aquarium at home? Here you can see what to do when moving a fish tank.
If you are young and are moving house for the fist time you will probably need to learn about leaving your family home for the first time. We strongly recommend that us take advantage of our experience and at least read our moving house checklist which is free and can be emailed to you by our office team. The more you learn about best removal practice and the more questions you ask the better. This will help you out to avoid many unpleasant situations.
Things to do 1 week prior to the home move
1 week prior to the home move is very important. It's the last call for you to catch up with all things you have not done yet. Have a look at your list of things to do before moving house and mark the activities you had not time to do. If you had been systematic you moving house in London checklist should be up to date. No is time to see what's next. Unfortunately there is still a lot of things to do. If you are not sure what should be done, you can always contact your local removal companies in Hounslow and ask for a short guidance.
When you are planning to move a flat, apartment, studio 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bedroom house in London, it is important that you make the right preparation and do the right things at the right hour. You may do the right thing and yet get it wrong simply because you do it at the wrong time or at the wrong week. Therefore, proper planning and preparation entails doing things when you are supposed to do them. There are things you suppose to do when moving house each day or each week of the preparation stage. Here are things you should start doing one week before the moving day.
If you are looking for local movers, for upcoming removals Southark, give is a call and we will provide our quote free of charge.
Inform your local council about the home move you are planning
The first week before you move is the right time to let the local council know that you are moving house. You should also let the local council authority of the place you are moving to that you will be moving to their community. In this way, they will take record of your presence.
Letting your local council authority know about your domestic move is a veritable means of securing your voting right in the future. If you do not inform both local council authorities about your move, you may have problems when it is time to vote.
It is only when you inform the local council especially that of the new area that you will be moving in the council that you will be allowed to register for voting there and your old local council authority will de-register you for voting in their community.
Inform the TV licensing service provider of the new address
There is the tendency for some people to forget to inform the TV licensing provider of the new area they are moving to about their proposed move thinking that the old license will still be valid. The truth is that your TV license does not move with you. Even if you just renew it in the old location, you have to still let the licensing office know about your new address. If you forget to let them know, it is much likely that you will be unlicensed. You know the implication of watching television without license. You may be prosecuted for it and if the case turns against you, the fine for the offense may be up to £1,000. So, the right time to do is to inform them and it is better to inform them 1 week before your house move. Some to things to do before moving can be highlighted which would mean for you to pay higher attention. However be careful about the way you manage your moving house checklist. Try to be organized and tidy. There may be a lot of things to do that you will add to your list. Make sure everything on your list is clear and visible otherwise you may miss to do some of the activities on it.
Change your address details
It is important that you change your address so that utility services will be stopped in the old address and then directed to the new address. Change of address is not something that you should do at the initial stage of planning a house move. It should be about the last thing to be done. If you do it during the last week, the stopping of utility services to the old address will not affect you so much since you are almost ready to move home to a new place. You have to also inform your utility service providers of your new address especially if you wish to continue using their services. But if don't wish to continue using their service, then you have to also register with a new utility service provider in your new location. Change of address details also ensures that your mails are not sent to the old address. The mailing office will take note of your new address and then direct all letters coming to you to your new address. Whether you are moving house in South London, West, North, East, moving to Richmond upon Thames or anywhere in the UK you should manage the address change with at most care otherwise your house moving costs may increase.
Contacting rental service providers
If you are making use of rented devices and gadgets such as TV, video, radio, fridge, freezer, oven, cooker, bike, car, bicycle and the likes, it is important that you inform the rental company about your move. If the company still has rental facility in your new location, your file or record with them may be transferred to the new area. But if they do not have any office in your new location, then you have to terminate your deal with them and return their items before your move. However, the termination of the deal is better done during the first week before the move so that you will not suffer so much as a result of the return of the item. Unfortunately moving house means moving out everything what you have gathered over the years.
Contact utility providers
Electricity, gas and water are very important utilities that you need both in your new and old locations for a few days remaining before you finally pack out and change home. So, you have to meet the company providing these utilities and then let them know of your proposed plan to move house. You should agree with them when they should stop providing service to the old location. Then if you still plan to make use of their services in the new location, you should also agree with them on when they should start providing service to your new location. But if you don't intend to continue with their service, you have to register with a new provider in the new location and then agree with the provider on when they should start providing service to you in your new location.
Return any library books in your possession
It is a crime to take away library books unless you are permitted to do so. If you are moving house to another community, you have to return all the library books in your possession, especially if you are moving home abroad and are shipping goods overseas. Alternatively, if you are still making use of the books, you should meet with the chief librarian to discuss the possibility of allowing you to move house with the book and then return it afterwards when you are done with them. If your new location is still within the same community that makes use of the library, you should let the librarian know of your new address so that they will update their records. However, the best thing to do is to return the books to the library.
Inform all groups your belong to
You may belong to one or two organizations or charities. If that is the case, it is important that you let the group know of your new address especially if you wish to continue with the organization. In this way, you will retain your membership and if there are some rights due for members, you will not be denied of them.
Return any borrowed items
1 week before moving house is the right time for you to check yourself and your records very well to see if you owe any person anything or if you borrowed any person's item. Make a list of all the borrowed items you have so that you will not forget any of them when you move home.
Then you have to return them to their owners. Remember to appreciate the kindness. The same thing is applicable to loaned items. Make sure you cancel all loans. If it is a bank loan and you don't wish to cancel the terms, you should meet with the lender and inform the lender of a change of address and your willingness to continue keeping to the terms and conditions of the loan.
The lender will have to update their records if there are any changes in the terms and conditions. In the same manner, you should also make a list of items your friends borrowed from you. Don't wait for them to return them. You can go to them and collect the items back.
However, if you have no time to collect the items by yourself, you can phone them and agree with them on when they should bring the items. Make sure this activity is in bold on your moving house checklist. Not meeting the terms and conditions of the loan can be very costly and can damage your credit score.
Confirm the status of all deliveries to the new address
If you have ordered anything and asked for the goods to be delivered in the new address, you have to confirm the status of the deliver. Make sure you give the correct address by confirming that the company has the right address. If you arranged for any service to be rendered to you in the new address, you have to also confirm the status as well as the address. In this way, you will not be making any moving house preparation based on assumptions.
Make arrangement for your children and pets
If you are moving with kids, it is important that you arrange for them to be taken care of during the house moving day. The whole moving day will be hectic and busy for you. You will not have any time to attend to the need of your children. But if you arrange for their needs to be provided, they will not suffer or fee abandoned during the home move. The same thing is applicable if you are moving with pets. If do not make any arrangement, your pet may be frightened by the presence of many new faces and strangers, that is the movers, packing and loading your items in their truck. So, you have to make arrangement for your pet to be taken care of. But such arrangement is better done at least 1 week before moving house.
The above are some of the things you should do during the first week of your move.